Terminalia is an ancient Roman festival.
Since I didn't do anything yesterday, I need to do lots today.
First up, I'm going to go to the bank and get lots of quarters.
Next, I have to go to the library to return a couple books, which means I have to find them. I mean, I know where they are, but one of them is a board book, and the library doesn't put those in the system by their titles so I have to look at all the code numbers.
I really don't want to go to the library. It's time consuming and Andromeda never behaves. We have enough books right now. I'll just insist we don't even go in, just use the book drop outside. And next time we go, we'll go prepared by choosing books on the internet the previous afternoon.
I also absolutely have to wash Ollin's work clothes, and I have a brights load from the other day I need to fold and put away. I can do that after Simone gets home, or I can do it sooner. I'd like to wash the sheets and get them put away, but I don't know if I'll have the oomph after walking to the library and back.
Aaaand there are all those phone calls I need to make. Orca lift, doctor and dentist appointments for all of us. Maybe I'll plan on doing all of these tomorrow morning after Ollin goes to bed.
Update: Quarters acquired. Books returned. Work Clothes washed.
Andromeda and I went to the park, too.
I'm going to fold ALL the clothes that are clean, read a bit and go to bed.
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